The Hut Professionals Open Day
On the 21st September, The Hut held an open day to invite professionals in mental health to see what The Hut was all about. We had talks from Trustees, Members and even an appearance from the Lord and Lady Mayor as well as the Guildmaster of the Freemen. The turnout to the event was great and there were few seats left unfilled

Few seats were unfilled and you can see the Lord and Lady Mayor sat beside the Guildmaster of the Freemen
The talks from each of the Trustees were met with great response, everyone was clapped off of stage and the crowd looked to be following every word that was said and even getting emotional over some of the things the speakers had to say.

Jonny, the Activities Coordinator shared his story and why The Hut was so important to him

Emma the Project Manager introduced everyone to The Hut and explained the services which are on offer throughout each week.
There was a quick crafts session where the Members and volunteers showed the crowd a craft activity- making decorated clocks which were then given out as awards to our special visitors.
All in all, everyone had a wonderful time and we’ve already heard back from several people who attended the event with their thoughts and proposals. The event was a great step forward for The Hut and it was a really emotional experience to hear each speaker go through what makes The Hut special to them, in both who they are and what they do.
Below is a gallery with a selection of images throughout the event:
Last Updated: 25 September 2017 1:12 pm